Sunday, June 03, 2007

Traz & Me

Alcatraz is on my mind a lot as of late. It seems all of the sudden he got old. Dogs lives are so fast, it always catches me off guard when more years have passed than are ahead. Traz is having a very hard time with his back legs. This is something new. I want it to pass, to see him heal, but that's not happening. I remember this part with Shadow, so afraid to hear what the vet had to say. Traz is the most faithful dog a person could have. He has more patience with puppies than I do and has helped me raise two now, Nixie and now Avery. He didn't run with Avery as much, but he kept him busy in other ways. He never lost his temper with either of them. I have enjoyed walking Traz to the park these past couple of years, hes always a perfect gentleman and never chases a squirrel until I tell him OK. I hope he has many years of the chase left in him.


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