Sunday, August 20, 2006

Four Years Ago Today

Four years ago today I quit smoking. It wasn't easy by any stretch of the imagination, but it was important in so many ways. I watched my Mom die of lung cancer this year. It was a painful, but thankfully,short illness for her. I thought many times, what a fool I would feel like if I was still smoking the very thing that killed her, certainly would have killed me as well. Like most things in my life, my older sister played a big part in my quitting. She had done it many years ago and being with her and being a smoker was becoming increasingly difficult. She never made a fuss about my smoking, nor did she harp on me to quit. I love spending time with my sister and I felt like I was giving up to much of it to a stupid habit. This is a picture of Jan and I on my 45th Birthday.
The Dogs are at the Kennel still as we went to the coast for the weekend, so I'm missing them, like always! I am already looking forward to picking them up tomorrow!


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