Friday, June 08, 2007

The Good Rug

To my horror, we woke to a monumental mess all over the rug we just bought for our new kitchen. Poor Traz had a bad night. The vet put him on a med for the inflammation/pain, but when I called her she said it shouldn't cause this, most likely it is from all the poking and prodding, stress induced, which sounds about right, for Traz. Why I'm even trying to clean that rug is beyond me, guess I hate to just throw it away. The vet said to feed Traz Pumpkin, 3 Tbs a day, so I started that this evening. On the up side, Traz is getting around much better and seems to feel very good. I had all three dogs with me for the whole day today, it was too much. I think Traz will get to rest at home more now, which might do him so good anyway. Tomorrow will be a better dog day..!


Blogger Kathleen said...

Did the vet say what is causing the problems with the hind legs? I've never heard of giving dogs pumpkin, even a spoonful a day. Pumpkin is good for inflamation?

I hope you didn't have another mess this morning!

6:24 AM  

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