Monday, December 03, 2007

Winter has arrived

It's been raining non stop for a few days now. The yard is flooded, the park has turned into a river and they have the road closed. The dogs could care less about any of it, they play just the same as if it were a sunny hot summer day. I finished the second book by Louise Bernikow today. The end made me cry, I figured it would. She was brave to have been able to write about Libro's last weeks, days, hours and moments. I could not do that when it came to Shadow, not even years later. I did write poetry about her. It would just come to me. Like the day I was going through the old metal desk at work and came across the coat we bought for her after she was shaved for surgery. Her beautiful wavy hairs still stuck in the lining of it. My mind even let me believe, for that moment that I could smell her, one last time. Avery just jumped up on my chair and licked the tears from my cheeks. He is healing me one lick at a time!
Avery is mentally slow, not stupid, but slow growing up. I don't know, but suspect its because he didn't have proper nutrition when he was very young. He is nearing a year old, but still acts like a 6 month old pup. I don't mind the playful part of it, but he is getting big to play rough with. He listens, but often chooses to ignore directions and do his own thing. I know, just like the other dogs, all of the sudden, one day he'll be all grown up and I will want him to be a puppy again, so for now, I will enjoy all that he is and deal with all that he is not. Today, I am thankful to remember Shadow and all that I loved about her. To have new loves in Traz, Nixie and Avery. Thankful Lance felt like bringing a lot of Christmas cheer to our new neighborhood and put up tons of lights and decorations, I get to watch the cars slow down to look, right here out my window! I am most thankful to have a dry place to hang my hat on this very wet day.


Blogger Kathleen said...

Celeste is finally growing up. I'm glad. Puppies are cute when they're someone else's, and I do love them when they're mine, but I prefer an adult dog for my companion. I like their level headedness and the understanding of an adult dog. Celeste has been somewhat of a trial for me. I know that part of this is because we have no yard for her to run in and take out her energies and frustrations in. Being in the apartment or on the leash has been her only options. At her age now (almost a year old now, can you believe it!) she has calmed down significantly. Still very energetic, but not leaping on every person who passes nor is she grabbing at skirt hems and shopping bags anymore. Whew!

8:44 PM  

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