Thursday, July 08, 2010

Three to Love

I still find it amazing that I have these Three wonderful dogs in my life, to live with and love every day....!
June came and went with me feeling horrible, I lost the site in my right eye (shingles) and am still fighting to recover from the illness. My spirit took a hard hit when they said the eye would not recover, but I notice that I can do most things just fine and am sure as time passes I will learn to forget that I only see out of the left eye.
I met a girl today that reminded me how much dogs mean in our lives. She lost her long time friend, I remember that pain and could see it in her eyes. Thank you for letting me meet you and help you in the only way I knew how. The pain will get softer as time moves on and you will always have the great memories you two shared.
Avery has been at my side constantly this past month, his love alone should be enough to heal my wounds and look I have two more...what am I complaining about....they will have me back to myself in no time. Today I am most thankful for all of my friends and family that have driven me to appointments, brought me chocolate and flowers and showered me with good thoughts and prayers. I am thankful for the best husband a person could ask for and a Sister that is always there for me, know matter what! I am thankful for my three furry ones that make me want to get out of bed each morning and thankful for another day to walk in the park and See the beauty in it.


Blogger Kathleen said...

How are you now Jill? It's been a long time since I visited your kind of got me down for a while. I'm so glad your dogs are doing well! I am now back in the US, but Celeste is staying on an extended vacation till May 1st. I hope not for any longer than that, though. Right now, my buddy is Porter. He's the first dog I've ever had that follows me so closely that he runs into my leg! His story is on my blog. Take care, Jill, and I'll check back a little later.

8:42 PM  

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