Saturday, July 07, 2007

Avery's First Trip To The Ocean

Whats so funny about this picture is, I think I have worn this same coat to the beach for the past 15 years..!! ha ha. I know I have a picture of Shadow and I walking along this same beach and there I am in the red coat, funny. Avery had a great time. He was brave, but not stupid about the waves. He didn't drink a lot of salt water (big improvement over Traz)
I had Nixie to the vet yesterday, we got a new medicine for her allergies and she played this morning! She ran in the yard and even got frisky with me when I came out the door. She hasn't done that in a year or more. I feel encouraged! Today, I am thankful for perfect summer weather and long sunny days. I am thankful to have had this day to spend with the loves of my life (husband included) I'm also thankful for the fish shack that we have eaten at nearly every coast trip for as long back as I can remember, thankful to be sharing the extra fries with a new puppy after his first trip to the beach!


Blogger Kathleen said...

What a great post!

Yeay! It sounds like the day was wonderful! I'm glad that Nixie is feeling so much better and that Avery had a great time at the beach. How is Traz doing? Whenever I have adversity in my life and begin to feel down, I think of all the things that I am thankful for and realize that I really do have many blessings in my life. I hope tomorrow is as wonderful as today was!

5:20 PM  

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