Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Days like today, I have to remind myself "WHY"

It was a long dog day. All three are itchy, well four if you include me. We are spraying the yard tomorrow in hopes it's the flying bugs out there causing us to all itch. We have treated all the dogs for fleas like always and have not seen a sign of or a live flea, so I know its not that. Avery has not been itchy like this for many months. It worries me because it was about this age that Nixie really broke out and we had her tested for allergies, which she ended up being allergic to most out door plants, grass and trees. The puppy picture is Avery, you can see he had very few hairs on his head, his back was even worse. I had this time stamp on my camera because I was working with a rescue place on a neglected heard of horses down the road from our old house. She had asked me to take pictures of the poor conditions that day and to be sure and have the time/date set on the camera. It was a sad outcome to our good intentions as the owner moved the horses before we could get assistance to remove them from this , less than 1 acre city lot, there were 12 horses and several ponies. I don't know , but suspect being in the middle of that with the horses opened my heart and Avery jumped in. Its the only way I can explain the insanity of having two grown dogs and a puppy! Ha Ha. I love them dearly, all three equally. Today I am thankful for a home large enough to hold my family, the mini-van with its neat sliding doors so the dogs no longer have to jump into a pickup and of course as always, very thankful to be here to live, love and laugh for another day.


Blogger Kathleen said...

The itchies are bad, but look at your big beauties! What a little face Avery had as a baby! So sweet! Even though it's hot and the bigs are out, your dogs are obviously well loved and well cared for.

8:04 AM  

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