Monday, August 20, 2007


I spent every waking moment on this horse, from the time I was 12 until I was nearly 18. Her name was Whisper. She and I traveled the land, swam in the rivers and flew over creeks like we had wings. We also cleaned up and went to horse shows and did 4-H. She was my best friend. I'm pretty sure my life would have been a lot different without her in it. Like many kids, I went through some things that damaged my spirit, whisper helped me forget. To this day, brushing a horse brings a calm over me that nothing else can. I love caring for animals, large or small and cant imagine life without them in it. I quit smoking 5 years ago today..yippie for me! I will now live long enough to love many many more dogs, ha ha ha. Today, I am thankful for wanting to live, that's not something I take for granted, as I haven't always felt this way. I am thankful for the love of a great family, my sister, brother and Dad who are all very supportive and I know will always be here for me. I am thankful for great dogs and plenty of time with them. Life is good.


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