Goofy faces
I have no idea what they see, but it made them all look funny! Avery is here on his window seat watching the world. Nixie and Traz are sleeping in the hall way, waiting for the next exciting thing to happen, it doesn't take much to excite a dog, a open door, the click of the bone jar lid, they jump to all four feet and come running, I love that about dogs! It was a busy work week and we're all ready for a weekend off. The weather has cooled off so today will be perfect for walking to the river or a bike ride. I finished reading A Three Dog Life, by Abigail Thomas, it was a wonderful book, a bit sad, but really made me think about life. I e-mailed her expressing my thoughts on the book and she sent a nice e-mail back. Tomorrow is our 29Th wedding Anniversary. It's hard to imagine that many years have passed. I don't feel old enough to have been married this long! Today I am thankful for the constant companion ship and love of a great man. The joy and laughter the dogs bring to our life and a perfect sunny Oregon July day.