A Dogs Life
Nixie is having trouble with seasonal allergies, but so far is holding her own. She doesn't take anything for them anymore and seems so much happier now. Avery is doing great, he and I have been walking a lot on the creek and river by our house and he listens good and is walking better on the leash. I feel in control of him, so that's saying a lot! He is still riding with Lance in the truck at work. Traz is sleeping a lot, but still enjoys his daily walk to the park and gets in a few good runs here and there. I have spoken to a lady at the park this past week who is trying to catch a stray cat, she has gotten close enough to pet it and is feeding it every day. Funny, the park seems quiet this year, this lady is the first new person I have met there in awhile. Maybe I'm not looking around!??!? I think I go through spurts when I don't see much around me, my mind is elsewhere. We had a great holiday with our family's. Dad is doing great and feels better all of the time. I started writing the other day at work, I'm not sure it will go anywhere, but maybe its a start to a new book, or maybe just away to get my thoughts in order, either way it feels good. Today I am most thankful for dry weather to walk in and a warm house to come home to. Healthy family and spending time enjoying them all.