Almost the end of January Already?!?!?
Our family at My sisters for Christmas. She turned to the side along with me as my right eye was black and blue from retina surgery. Dad moved to a retirement center and is loving it. we visit him twice a week. My brother Jon is doing great, but living in Portland, so I dont see him near enough! Avery and Nixie are learning to live without Traz in the house, its taken us all awhile to feel Ok again. Lance built a lovely wooden box for Traz and his things (mainly his favorite red ball) it sits on a shelve in his room. We all still miss him a lot. My eye has not improved much, I am still blind in it and will be from here on out. 7 months and 3 operations later, all to no avail. I am still going to the eye doc's every 2 weeks and taking tons of med's to stop the swelling, but nothing really seems to work. Like Dad always says "this to shall pass"
Avery is 4 years old now and Nixie is nearly 7, hard to imagine, mostly because Avery still acts like a puppy! Ha..I love that about him. He is my constant companion, always at my side no matter where I am in the house, I love that about him too! 2011 will be a good year, I have a ton of things to be thankful for, a great family, wonderful husband, healthy happy dogs, a good job and a warm home. Life is good.