Saturday, March 22, 2008

Avery in the house

That ring toy behind Avery is his new favorite indoor toy. I throw it, Avery catches it and Nixie chases him. This is the game we play while I cook dinner every night. Thankfully we have a big area to play in as they do enjoy this game.
Today I am thankful for the sunshine, the return of the osprey in the park and a dry yard for the dogs to play in.

Avery and Traz

Traz loves that black kong toy thats laying infront of him. Avery takes it any chance he gets, only because he knows Traz will chase him, and he loves that.

Nixie And Avery

They look so serious, but thats only because I asked them to sit still, very hard for either to do for more than a minute!

Avery enjoying the first day of spring

His Tail is really something!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spring is in the air

I started walking Avery and Traz separately, last week. It works much better. I can work with Avery and enjoy my time with him at the park, and he's learning better. Traz and I take a long slow walk, just the kind he likes, he stops to pee on everything and I stop to look at birds and windflowers, I'm glad that's not the other way around, ha ha ha. I finally broke down and paid $21.99 for the gentle leader, its a collar and strap that goes over the nose. Avery is under control at last....!!! It really works! I was amazed. He walks by my side and barely pulls on the leash at all. He never felt anything I put around his neck, so nothing worked before this. It makes walking him a true joy. I feel a little sad though, just like I always do when the final stages of training come around, its the end of them being a puppy. Time goes so fast. All three dogs are enjoying the spring weather, Nixie is doing OK with her itching and will do better as summer comes on. I was thinking back to last year, thinking the one great thing I did for myself and would recommend to anyone, get a massage, at least once a month. I have been getting a 1 hour massage every 3 or 4 weeks for several months now and it has truly made a difference in my life. I get it on Friday and the relaxed feeling lasts way past the weekend. I think it's the "doing" something for myself part that helps the most. I see a vulture flying over the neighborhood tonight, a true sign that spring has arrived in Oregon is when they come back after the long, cold winter. Today I am thankful to have wildflowers and green grass all around me. Thankful we have 3 wonderful, healthy dogs and thankful its nearly the weekend!