Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer breeze makes me feel fine

Summer brings on so many memories, great ones with my family and great ones with my husband and dogs. I think about Mom a lot this time of year, with all of the birds and new flowers blooming, they just remind me of her. Something funny, when I take the silverware from the dishwasher to the drawer I always think, I wish I had a daughter to tell this story too. (Mom and me some 25 to 28 years ago, she saying, you really need a good set of silverware. Me, not caring in the least about silverware! She, saved the betty crocker points off of cake mixes, gave me the money to put with it and Made me order that good set of every day silverware) At the time, it was just another annoying thing she did, now to this day, every time I use that same silverware that looks just like it did when new, I think of her and smile and think , this silverware is going to out live me! She was a very smart, giving and gracious lady. I hope to pass on some wisdom to someone, sometime along the way in my life. Today, I will be content to love my dogs the way , only I can. Treat my husband with all the love and respect he deserves and keep my family close to my heart.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

No....That sure isnt a Dog

What a fun day this was...
The top picture is me..with Conan..the goat. The lower picture is my Sister Jan...with Conan the goat too. This is one or her pack goats. She came over and we went for a hike at chip ross park. It was a lovely cool morning and we had the place to ourselves until right as we came down another couple with two dogs, one very large (irish wolf hound) and another small dog were just starting a hike up the side we came down. This was the second time in the past two months that I did this hike, I cant say this time was any easier, but it sure was a lot of fun doing it and talking! I really do see why Sis likes goats, he was very easy to hike with. Today I am most thankful for family.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Dogs....Wonderful Dogs............

Nixie is peeking out the front door of our house as I worked in the flower beds...she's the only one I trust to stay in the house with the door open. Both Avery and Traz would run after anything that walked by, either to play with or be petted by..! This picture of Traz and Nixie I took at Avery park on Friday, the roses are so beautiful and both dogs did pretty good sitting still, although they seem to be looking off in the distance and not at me..oh well...., they still look lovely. Little Avery with his floppy ears...he is a heart warmer and sometimes a lap warmer too! Today I am most thankful that my back and hip let me work hard in the yard planting flowers. Thankful for good weather to work in and thankful all of the dogs are asleep right now.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Back tracking

I have had a problem with my back and hips that has kept me from sitting for an extended amount of time, its been on going for the past 3 months, but I decided to try and work more on my blog anyway, as I miss being able write and post pictures here. Push past the pain, right?!?!?!? Maybe the doc will help me out tomorrow!

Me in front of a giant redwood in California a couple of months that's a tree!
Traz under the weeping cherry in the back yard this spring.
We have taking some really fun road trips this year, I have really enjoyed that.
Finally Avery is grown up and I am really enjoying him. Traz is getting slow, but doing fine, Nixie is her usual sweet self and less itchy this year than all the past years. Today I am most thankful for healthy dogs!