This is Shadow and Traz playing..!

Today is a true dog day. Nothing planned, lots of play time and together time. I'm working on getting rid of the bad mood I've been in this week, but I still feel it lingering around in my head. I know when it started and why it started, just don't know what to do about it. I try my hardest to follow the "4 agreements" of life,One of which is to not assume anything, but when someone else assumes something about me, I don't know just how to deal with it. I cant control my emotions anymore, therefore its much easier for me to be left out of things than participate. I dislike this about myself, but am learning to deal with it and move on. This happened to me when Shadow died. Her death changed who I am. Not because of how she died, or that she died, but how she changed my life when she was alive. She showed unconditional love, she was always kind to me, watched out for me, rested with me when I was tired and ran with me when I was energetic. She never made me feel guilty or feel bad for what I'm not. We people could learn a lot from dogs.